Adventures in Spain

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


definitely no pictures to accompany this post - i'm suffering with my first spanish hangover! and its not a pretty sight. i'm curled up in my duvet writing this, feeling utterly sorry for myself, and all on a tuesday morning?! had my first shift at work last night which went well - i actually quite enjoyed myself although it wasn't really that busy - the calm before the storm i think. then craig took me to his usual after-work hangout, a very funky bar where everyone smokes weed and gets drunk into the small hours. fine by me! so, forgetting about spanish measures, i piled into the vodka like a woman unleashed and, inevitably, ended up feeling like i do now! i did learn a few things last night though. the first is that even (or should that be especially) when fuelled by vodka i cannot yet speak spanish fluently. i learnt this from the bemused faces that stared back at me more and more as the night progressed, whilst i babbled on believing i was making complete sense! i learnt that you always kiss people twice here, and that if you ask a seemingly friendly group of guys at the bar which one is the ladies toilet they will undoubtedly point you into the mens for a laugh, ha ha. i also learnt that its not a good idea to play subbuteo when drunk. i don't know how it happened but i was taken to the subbuteo table by two guys at the bar and challenged to a game - i was man utd along with one of the guys (because it was fairly obvious that i was gonna be crap!) and the other guy was real madrid. well, man utd had a shocking game. their keeper, controlled by yours truly, seemed to be glued to the spot until after the ball had hit the back of the goal at which point i spun him into action!! it was truly pathetic to watch! and i only had four players to look after!! craig and i then stumbled back to our respective flats giggling at the fact that i could no longer speak english either! very funny.


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