Adventures in Spain

Friday, April 07, 2006

la playa

been on the beach today sunning myself, i know you're all jealous but its not quite the same on your own! i bought a copy of spanish Elle and am slowly working my way through every word trying to understand the gist of things if nothing else - it's taken me all morning just to read the letters page! slightly concerned at how hot it is already - not looking forward to working in twice this heat! talking of work, i'm babysitting tonight for two bilingual four year olds - the hours are so different here - i don't start til 10.30pm so god knows what time i'll be there til. will just have to sleep it off tomorrow! waking up without an alarm is bliss but instead i have building work going on just behind my flat. apparently they'll be finished in two weeks time so hopefully by the time mum comes to visit, it might be more peaceful. i need to get another job pretty quickly before there are none left but if i'm totally honest, i'm terrified! its hard enough begging for jobs in your own country, but with a different language thrown in as well, i'm dreading it! i was hoping the couple of things in the pipeline might come up trumps but i don't know how long to leave it before i swallow my pride and attempt to negotiate employment on my own. i know i'm putting it off but i think tomorrow i'll have to get on with it. at least the experience will no doubt leave me with plenty to write about on here. you've gotta laugh really - spaniards keep chatting to me in the street and i keep lamely sort of laughing along and then running off to the safety of my flat! sometimes when i'm feeling wimpish i can feel myself hiding in here so i don't have to talk to anyone. it's pathetic really, and i'll never learn that way but i can't help it! each day i force myself into a situation where i'll have to speak spanish and just pray that i get it right!! i hope my confidence grows quickly else i'm in danger of becoming a recluse! x


Blogger bec said...

delete you?? not a chance mate, you're giving me gems! listen thank you for the encouragement, its just what i need to hear right now. i'm suddenly remembering how it feels to be painfully shy - haven't had that for a long time!! and i hope you're right - the sooner the better for the conversations to flow, it'll be a great relief!! and at least the sun is shining - always easier to cope when you've got a tan! xxx

9:14 PM  

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