Adventures in Spain

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

i'm here !!

well i'm here and its all good. flight was fine and i feel pretty settled already. my flat is small but v cute. check out the piccies. mojacar is as beautiful as i remember it and it's pretty hot already. of course i'm missing home and everyone in bristol, but i'm feeling good. i did all my goodbyes without losing it (a great achievement!) and i'm hoping to get lots of visitors over the summer - everyone's welcome! my spanish, however, is a little embarassing at the moment. i'm trying, but failing miserably - i ended up with a ton of ham today as i managed to somehow ask for thick slices!! it's all i'll be eating for the next week or so! once i manage to tune in the little telly i've got i shall be immersing myself in spanish telly (joy!) and hopefully getting a little radio too. my first job has been lined up already - i start on monday at el antler. its 6 nightsof waitressing a week, 8pm til 12am so gonna get a few hours of work in the day from one of the bars/restaurants down on the front. it's ideal though because el antler is only two doors down from my flat. my friend over here, craig, says he's gonna take me out with all his mates soon so that'll be good. and sharon (his mum) says i need to get myself a spanish boyfriend if i really wanna progress quickly with my spanish. i couldn't think of a better excuse myself - "its ok mum, i'm just improving my linguistic skills!!" ;o)

will post piccies of the town soon - may as well act like a tourist for a couple of days before i settle into working life here. off down to the front now in search of work and hombres guapos xxx


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