Adventures in Spain

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

the final countdown!

well i've moved out of my flat and into my brother's for the next few weeks until i go. i feel like i'm almost there - i think moving out was half the battle won and now, mentally at least, i'm on my way! people keep asking me if i'm nervous but i'm not at all - i'm just excited! i don't want to say goodbye to everyone because i hate goodbyes and they seem so final but there are so many people i want to see before i go. one of my bestest friends stacy is going away on the same day as me - she's off to canada. it's amazing to be doing something so big together (even if we are going in opposite directions!). so flights are booked, i have a little flat waiting for me and my bags are (almost) packed....mojacar here i come! x


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