Adventures in Spain

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

jamon jamon!

before i wade through my next piece of ham(!) i thought i'd post some pictures of mojacar so you can all picture me there! here is the street i'm living on (just up on the left) and the view from the main square. the trees there are all growing oranges - they're lush! i was on my way down to the front to go to the supermarket and have a wander, and bumped into craig on the way down - joined him and a couple of his friends for a beer and missed my bus! not only did one of them give me a lift down to the front but i've also got babysitting work for friday and saturday night (maybe the 4 year olds can teach me some spanish?!) and one of the girls is going to see if she can get me some day shifts at one of the nicer beach bars (i guess she knows the owner or something). not bad eh? i could get used to gaining employment over a cerveza or two! i then went to a big everything type shop on the front in search of hangers and in trying to convey what a hanger was in my best spanish (algo para las ropas??!!) the guy proceeded to laugh at me and then chat in english! well i tried. he then said something as i was walking away and i just said "eso es todo" (thats all) thinking he was offering something else, and he came back round the corner saying "you didn't understand that did you? i asked if you were looking for a handsome man as well?" aaaaggggghhhh! i just said "". short and to the point is best i think! i should've said "why, do you know any?" but that would've been a bit harsh, and he did find hangers for me!!


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