Adventures in Spain

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

thank you

now i'm here and settled i'm realising how many thank you's i owe people for their love and support in the last few weeks. so gonna try and remember as many people as possible - will prob have to do a new post of apologies for those i forget first time round!! first one goes to mike and caroline - you are all and more that a girl could ask for. thank you for food and board at the flat, thank you for shoulders that have been cried on, thank you for putting up with my numerous moods. mike thank you also for buying so many drinks, thank you for my laptop (I LOVES IT I DOOS) and thank you for playing big bruv and bailing me out when i need it! i'll remember the offer this time round before i get deported or anything equally as drastic!! also in the pic is caro's friend wheeze who i realise i never thanked for the hairband she kindly lent when we had a speedy emergency trip to spain last year! i can't tell you how valuable a hairband is sometimes, and you were a lifesaver!

thank you to all the brainteaser lot - for all the laughs and for putting up with the tears! thank you mr rudge - supportive and caring as always, i hope i return the favour whenever i can (i try!). thank you all bristol/marlow peops past and present - it wasn't easy to leave you. thank you aber crew for endless phone chats, and being "there", wherever you are.

thank you to my family - for everything really. there's not enough space on the internet to list it all. you're the best, you honestly are. right, oscar speech over for now! sorry but it has to be done, and i never say it as much as i think it so there!


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