Adventures in Spain

Friday, April 14, 2006

i met a boy...

... and he's lovely!! after work last night craig took me to a party down by the beach at a bar called zig zag where oscar (jessica's fella) was djing so everyone i had met was gonna be there. so we went, got drunk, danced into the small hours and had a bloody good time! oscar says i am muy bonita and a very sexy lady apparently!! and he introduced me to his friend david (said as in daveed ginola etc etc) who he said was the only person he'd be happy to share me with! he introduced me as his babysitter (because i met oscar first when looking after his son liam!) anyway, david speaks a little english so between us we started chatting and hit it off. later we all went to another bar back up in town and chatted more and more and got on really well. then a few of us headed back to david's apartment and listened to music/continued drinking/had a smoke. and i was the last to leave at nine o'clock this morning!! so it's fair to say i'm feeling rough, but i don't mind coz i had a really good night. all this group of friends are really lovely - a girl i met the other night when v v drunk greeted me like her best friend, and the boys are all really funny. there's one guy called danny who is a total nutter but very sweet with it. and craig's girlfriend nina seems nice too, it was the first time i met her last night. piccies here are of zigzag - for some reason it'll only upload a few per post...


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