Adventures in Spain

Saturday, May 13, 2006

so much to say!

hi guys, sorry for not updating sooner but i was becoming aware that i didn't have much to say for myself! not so anymore, lots to report. first off, thank you to leece, cam and (and mum of course) for getting me through a rubbish day or two. feeling much better now you'll be pleased to hear! so, i met the newspaper guy (i should start referring to him by name from now, it's lenox!) lenox was great and we had a nice chat. there's no regular work there unfortunately but i will be writing a few pieces for him now and again in the hope of getting them published. i had sent him some extracts from this blog and he has a sneaky programme that finds them on the net for you, so he took a look - not the best way of meeting a potential employer when they've seen you naked online...or is it?! not something i had planned anyway!! yes eddie, i know you tell me this is the way forward, but its not my style!!

then i was given a long weekend off work (paid as well!) as it's stuart and sharon's wedding anniversary, so i thought i'd take a trip to murcia, a relatively nearby city, and the next posts will be about that with LOTS of piccies! it was a fab day, although tiring - i had to get up at 5am to get my coach, and then didn't get back til after midnight - its about 2 and a half hours away. but it was definitely worth it and i recommend it as a place to visit - lots of beautiful old buildings, nice atmosphere, everyone i met was really friendly AND there are some great shops including two big el corte ingles stores, which is the major department store out here. very cool. read on through the posts for more murcia.... x


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi chicks
I have a great friend who moved out to Spain to Murcia and opened a bar - I could try and get his email address so I could put you in contact that's if you want to make the trip again? You trying to buy orange juice from a beggar reminds me of a time when Mike and I were in New York in Central Park and he bought a magazine off a chap for $5 only to realise that they were free and he had just been scammed (probably a first!) - we did giggle - "here have a free magazine - that'll be £3 please!
Still not in the house though - 2 weeks me thinks
Everyone is hung over in work today apart from moi because I am a good girl! - hooray!
Meeting suzie tonight with new man - we are all having curry! - can't remember - I know that they go in for chinese in Spain - what about curry? perhaps curried goat -poor goatie!
lots of love and speak soon

7:11 AM  

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