Adventures in Spain

Thursday, May 04, 2006

feeling homesick :o(

having a down moment - missing everyone from bristol and marlow. thought i'd post some pictures of home....things are fine by the way, so don't worry! just having a moment x


Blogger bec said...

...yeh, and the girls round broadmead are wearing even less than usual! you're right, i don't envy you that. however, spare a thought for me in the next few months when they all come over here for their holidays!! saw a couple of young essex ladies at a bar the other night - belts for skirts and boobs making a bid for freedom, and they kept shouting at the barman "what?! we're english mate!" when he tried to speak to them!! how embarassing to be english sometimes! x

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BECS - Hey you.

Gouldie here. Hel told me you'd done a runner. Sounds amazing - I particularly enjoyed the "I'm naked" bad girl.

So what's the story? Have you fallen in love with a hunky Zorro waiter? Been run out of town by the Inland Revenue or just got fed up with working with a bunch of sausage jockies?

Helen told me your porn DVD job went west as well - I'm gutted. I had the day booked out and everything and was looking forward to being your assistant for the day.

Life in sunny Wiltshire is really great. The house is really coming along and Tommy just turned 3 (April 15th) I hear it was your birthday too - many happy returns. Will you be coming back for a visit soon. I miss your bolshy cynical ways. Don't go getting all healthy and friendly on me now in that Spanish sun.
My e-mail address is:
if ever you want to get in touch - I would love to hear from you.

Take good care of yourself kiddo. Your blog is now on my "Favourites" button.

All my love,

JG xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

PS. How good did your arse look in that naked photo??!!

11:45 AM  
Blogger bec said...

oh jonny, i do love you!! just a reminder that my grandad reads this blog and all the comments - grandad, the porn dvd thing was just a private joke so don't panic!! xxx

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! Bex we are missing you too, but just think what the summer will be like....scorching I'm sure!

11:58 AM  

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