Adventures in Spain

Friday, April 28, 2006

long time no blog!

hi all, sorry for the lack of posts in the last few days - have been having a real giggle with my mummy! i've been designated driver this week which has caused a few funny moments - obvious wrong side of the road driving, leaning on the horn when we were trying to covertly park in the residents car park at the nudist beach - what's worse was that mum was busy taking her kit off by the boot, so managed to draw attention to both the fact that we were there "illegally" and mum's arse!! everything has been amusing these last few days and i have to say, i'm really gonna miss mum when she goes - i'll be back to lonely days in my flat - get the violins out!! we trawled around the seafront the other night searching for food and ended up in a chinese restaurant(?!). had a lovely meal and they brought out a chinese liquer at the end which i proceeded to knock back in one, only to then see mum sipping hers - apparently you're not meant to treat them like shooters! the waitress looked on as if i was some seasoned alcoholic!! oh dear.

today we went to a nearby town called garrucha and wandered round the market then had a long lunch. the plate of fried fish that we had was full of little faces staring up at me which was somewhat offputting! little prawns, whole baby squid, and these tiny whitebait-type things that looked like what can only be described as battered sperm!! saw a statue of these homoerotic fishermen(see above), thought certain endemol boys would appreciate them!!

went to a very lively bar tonight full of top spanish totty!! hooray! some very cute boys so i was in my element, although mum reckons they were about 15 - old habits die hard i guess! will be going back very soon no doubt. oh and i might have found a day job writing for the local paper - pretty cool eh?! i've gotta write a few sample articles to give to the top man there (who i met in a bar, how typical!) all ideas welcome... x


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