Adventures in Spain

Monday, April 17, 2006

update update!

saturday afternoon i receive a text from david saying "i hope to see you later", even though i have no idea where they are going! go to work, craig says they are going out but doesn't invite me - so this is a hard one. i never wanna invite myself coz i figure i don't want to be an annoying tagalong and craig shouldn't feel obliged to take me everywhere. so i say nothing and it looks like i won't be going out. and then at the end of work he says to call him if i fancy meeting up later. so this is at midnight. i go back to my flat, read a bit, drink beer, have a shower etc and at half two i think sod it! meet up with them at bbmas which is a real dope-smoker's bar. david is there so we start chatting and then, as with the other night, we stick together. to be honest, craig's the only other person i can talk to anyway!! so we have a good laugh, then we go on to the late bar we were at the other night. i guy comes up to me, starts babbling on in spanish, and david tells him i'm english and he turns round to me in a strange northern/spanish hybrid accent and says "oh you don't look english, i'm from yorkshire originally" !! very strange! i guess the dark hair and eyes mean everyone assumes i'm spanish. there seem to be quite a few like that guy, and craig/jess/joe. people roughly my age whose parents came out when they were younger and they're now honorary spaniards - craig says he speaks spanish far better than english. ended up piling back to craig's house and i went downstairs (alone!) to my flat around 8am. again nothing happened with david but we're getting teased a lot now and it's so embarassing because it's in spanish and i can only get the gist but not exactly what's being said - makes a girl feel self concious!! anyway, we exchanged emails and i wrote one last night and got a lovely reply this morning - we're going for lunch and to the beach tomorrow, as long as it's sunny. so now i have 24 hours to panic about getting my fat arse in a bikini! great. xxx


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is too exciting Bex, its like reading a novel, but much more interesting! Why did you only take pictures of the back of his head, are you trying to tease us? Please can we have a proper picture (!)
Keep us posted every minute please x

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good on you lady. He better be a good one or I will get on a flight and jab him with a stick. Love ya miss ya. Rich x

12:06 PM  

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