Adventures in Spain

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

thinking of goodbyes...

as i plan for my little adventure, all i can think about is all the people i will miss and i think most of the posts leading up to my departure will be thoughts on all those special people i have to say goodbye to. my friends and family will be desperately missed of course - but they understand the reasons why i am leaving and, as always, give their full support to my plans.

but there is one little person i will be sorry to leave behind. my godaughter Grace. i will miss seeing her grow up - as much as i see her here in bristol she still manages to surprise me with the rate at which she grows and learns. she is amazing!! i know kel and james will be amazing at keeping me posted on all the new things that happen in her life - kel has been my bestest and oldest friend and that won't change wherever i am in the world, so i can go on safe in the knowledge that we'll never lose touch. Gracie, just know that your fairy godmother loves you very much and will be thinking of you wherever she is xxx

the beginning...

allow me to introduce myself....this is me (i'm the one on the left with my friend helen)

I've started this blog to mark the beginning of an exciting new adventure - I'm jacking in my job, packing up my stuff and moving abroad! In 6 weeks time I'll be on a plane to sunny spain and away from rainy, cold bristol! and i cannot wait!

until then i guess i'll add a couple of posts charting my general mania at the amount of packing i still have to do - but i promise to keep boring preparation details to an absolute minimum. once i actually emigrate this blog should liven up a bit and most importantly provide an update for all the amazing friends i'm leaving behind...more on them later. til then, i'm off to tie up loose ends and perfect my spanish...hasta luega! xxx