Adventures in Spain

Saturday, September 02, 2006

trademark are still my number 1 band!

the sergios of this world will come and go, but my love for trademark will remain. for those of you poor people who haven't discovered them yet, trademark are a wicked little trio pioneering the revamp and return of electro/synth pop (is that accurate paul??) and they're really good! i may be a little bias as my friend is in the band, but maybe you should all see/hear for yourself. website is and if you follow links to their myspace page, you can hear some of their tunes. "Come to Love" is a fave of mine at the mo! keep it up boys, i'll be winging my way to a gig as soon as i'm back in the rainy old homeland! xxx


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's 3am and we've just got back from the gig in Islington (great gig, with great audience) and are crowded round my laptop looking at your Blog. A BIG thank you from all of us for all the lovely things you said about us!

1:12 AM  

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