Adventures in Spain

Saturday, May 13, 2006


...thats it from my lovely city trip. you were lucky to get away with so few photos - i could have bored you with twice as many, but they take so bloody long to upload!! my other good news is that it looks like i've finally landed a dayjob, at a cute little place called cafe lala, and what's more i'll be working for two gayers!! hooray, my quota is back up!! bring on the innuendo and gossip - they're take that fans to boot, it's almost like i shipped them out especially from endemol!! ha ha! speak soon my sweets xxx


Blogger ShoeGirl Corner said...

I LOVE SPAIN!!! I'm so jealous! Ahhh.. to be 25 and in Spain again. Memories! Have a wonderful time. How long do you plan on living there? What town are you in? I guess I should read more of your blog to answer these questions.

7:17 PM  

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