Adventures in Spain

Thursday, March 30, 2006

leaving brainteaser :o(

well i've got one full day left at work and then that's it! the next few days are packed full of seeing people before i go and getting packed up. eddie and kel have gone off to dublin so we did our goodbyes yesterday :o( see piccies of them above(ed is with the lovely jacqui).

i am in credit with my bank account for the first time in over 6 years! AMAZING! today is my last show on brainteaser so i hope nothing goes wrong when we go live at lunchtime! this is definitely the best job i've ever had, so i'll be very sorry to leave. all my workmates are just ace, we have such a laugh so i know my replacement ian will be in safe hands (although he probably thinks he's walked into a madhouse right now!) we went out for drinks last night and i had a leaving do on saturday which was cool even though i drank way too much! c'est la vie! as i've already said i can't stand goodbyes so i'm leaving cards for everyone on saturday morning so they can read them next week once i've gone - i'll only cry or make a tit of myself otherwise!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

the final countdown!

well i've moved out of my flat and into my brother's for the next few weeks until i go. i feel like i'm almost there - i think moving out was half the battle won and now, mentally at least, i'm on my way! people keep asking me if i'm nervous but i'm not at all - i'm just excited! i don't want to say goodbye to everyone because i hate goodbyes and they seem so final but there are so many people i want to see before i go. one of my bestest friends stacy is going away on the same day as me - she's off to canada. it's amazing to be doing something so big together (even if we are going in opposite directions!). so flights are booked, i have a little flat waiting for me and my bags are (almost) packed....mojacar here i come! x