Adventures in Spain

Monday, May 29, 2006


last night was the debut performance of david and jessica's band which has now been officially named soulsound - a little misleading as they are a heavy rock band!! not really my music as such but they played really well and were really tight so i was impressed in that sense. was also impressed with little liam's breakdancing skills - see pic! got drunk (again, oh dear!) and got back about half 3, dreading the thought of my alarm going off!! met a great girl called carmen who works in costume for feature films and she said if she gets work with english production companies in the future she will give me a call - i didn't even have to ask, it was her suggestion! then when my spanish is up to scratch i can work for spanish companies too. she said she wants someone who understands the industry and the hours rather than someone who knows wardrobe work because that can be taught on the job. we got on really well so i was gutted to learn she was only up for the weekend from madrid - could do with a proper girlfriend here. oh well, brilliant contact made! hooray!


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